Friday, January 7, 2011

Back to School

Well, I was back to school in more ways than one this week.

I was back with my kiddos, which was pretty exhausting.  We did some fun projects-- like making oobleck!-- and we also had a couple classroom meetings for a little refresher on the rules.

I will admit that, at one point this week, I found myself yelling to a student, "We do not yell in Room Four!"

The irony was not lost on me.

And! And this week, I started graduate school!

I definitely had first-day-of-school jitters, but everything went pretty smoothly.  I am taking two classes-- both night classes that last for three-and-a-half-hours.

(That is, in my opinion, too many hours).

My biggest challenge will be packing enough food to last me from 8 in the morning until 9 at night.

Oh, you know, that and the pile of homework on top of my school work on top of the dishes that I vowed to wash everysinglenight.

Wish me luck.


  1. I love it when I catch myself yelling, "STOP YELLING!!!!" to a student. Good times. Hooray for starting grad school.....NOT. :)

  2. Best of luck with the little monsters! I love your board! :-)

  3. I love the board with the little t-shirts.
    So cute...

