Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Odds and Ends

Today was the first day in a while that I had absolutely nothing to do.

(We will ignore the fact that my living room floor is littered with wrapping paper, because I probably should do something about that).

Today, I got to stay in my Hello Kitty pajama pants and do some online browsing and catch up on General Hospital.

Now, I haven't found anything in my browsing that I can't live without, but there are a few things I'm considering.

Like these sparkly shoe clips, which are awesome:

This goldfish scarf which should totally cost less than fifty dollars:

And this chambray shirt, which I'm sure would turn me into one of those effortlessly-stylish-fashion-blogger types:

(And wouldn't it look fab with a pair of pink, fleece pajama pants?)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Make-Up Monday: Sephora Sale

I hope that Santa was very good to you-- and that you had a lovely weekend.

We are still digging out of the snow, but I am finding that it is the perfect time to be checking out the deals at Sephora.

I may just have a gift card burning a hole in my pocket....

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Christians and the Pagans

Barney and I are snuggled up on the couch, enjoying our first day of vacation.

(Thanks, public school system!)

And, we are listening to this beautiful holiday song which has been know to make me tear up a little.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Make-Up Tuesday Just Doesn't Have the Same Ring to It

Alright, guys, Mr. Kinne and I have gotten addicted to Lost.

(Yes, six years after everyone else in America started watching it.)

And, that is why Make-Up Monday is happening on Tuesday.  

Oh, but it is an awesome Make-Up Tuesday, because there is whole line of Hello Kitty cosmetics coming to Sephora!

There was a secret pre-sale this weekend, but I resisted because it is the season for giving.

But, in mid-January when the line launches?  It will be the season for picking up a couple things for myself.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Navajo Cardigan

I am in LOVE with this cardigan from the Gap.

I spotted it on The Good Life for Less, and I started building imaginary outfits around it in my head.

I will be watching this one during the after-Christmas sales.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Have I Mentioned I Love Mo Willems?

Let me tell you guys the coolest thing.

Yesterday, Mo Willems came to our school, and I got to read a book on stage with him.

My life is complete.

I knew that Mo was coming to our school for a visit, but I had no idea that I would get called up to help him read the literary classic There is a Bird on Your Head.  (Apparently, my principal was aware of the fact that he is my very favorite author, so she gave him my name). I went up with two kiddos from school, and I managed to read my part, despite the fact that I was a teeny bit nervous.  (I had the very important job of reading the Pelican's lines).

I have never met a more engaging, talented writer, and I have such a book-nerd crush on him.

After the reading, I got the following comments from students in the school:

- Mrs. Kinne, you were great up there!
- You looked really pretty!
- I saw you up there!
- You are good at reading!
- I like your hair!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Make-Up Monday: Tokidoki Pink Lametta Flat Iron

I have let my younger sister straighten my crazy hair a few times, and every time she does I end up flipping my hair around so much that I look like I am doing my best Cher impression.

(I'm sure this is very attractive and doesn't at all make me look like I have adult ADHD).

However, I think I would straighten my hair so much more if I had this adorable Tokidoki straightener.
According to the description on the Sephora site, this is one high-tech device with tourmaline something-or-other and negative ionic something.

But, I am recommending it based solely on its cuteness.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


I am not a particularly neat and organized person. (Right now, there are dishes piled up in my sink.  And on the counter.  And on the stove.)

But, when it comes to Christmas shopping, I am a regular Martha Stewart. I keep a Google Doc open on my computer starting on Black Friday, and I highlight people as I buy their gifts.  I also note what I got them, just in case I forget exactly what's in my present stash.

I guess what I'm saying is that buying Christmas presents is one of my favorite things to do.  This makes sense, because it combines my love of shopping with my love of holidays that involve cookies.

Here are a few ideas for those people whose faces you'd like to see light up this holiday season.

For your friend who wishes that the whole Anthropologie store was her closet:

For your uncle who loves kitschy things for the kitchen:

For your two-year-old cousin who loves books and silliness:

For your wife who loves keeping books stashed in her purse:

(A Barnes and Noble Nook E-Reader)

For your history-buff hubby who has worn out his copy of Band of Brothers:

For your dad who loves Dusty Springfield:

For your mail carrier because he always makes sure you get all of those Amazon boxes that keep coming to the door:

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The K is Not Silent

If you have kiddos on your gift list, you can't go wrong with a little Knuffle Bunny.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Two Cute Things

1. These pillows are awesome, and I want several of them on my couch.

2. Today, when we were talking about our wishes for the holiday season, one of my kiddos came up with this:

(Translation: I wish that turkeys would fall from the sky, and the turkeys will be eaten).

That is my student, Maxim, holding an umbrella as turkeys faceplant into the ground.


Monday, December 6, 2010

Make-Up Monday: Benefit Coralista

Top Ten Reasons You Should Probably Own Benefit Coralista:

(No pressure or anything).

1. It makes you look like you've recently come back from the beach.
2. It is a nice pick-me-up on those mornings when it feels too cold to get out of bed.
3. It smells sooo good.  (I can't pinpoint what it smells like, other than goodness).
4. It is currently available in a cute little set.  (Such a good deal for all of the things included).
5. It is a very pretty coral-pink.
6. It leaves a noticeable color on your cheek-- but in a I'm-a-little-flushed way, not a look-at-my-make-up way.
7. It makes you look glow-y.  (And who isn't a fan of glow-y?)
8. The packaging is super fun.
9. It will be your new go-to blush when you don't have time to put on a lot of make-up.
10. It is the perfect blush to wear for all of your holiday occasions.

(True story).

Friday, December 3, 2010

Oh, Christmas Tree

I am not someone who has a magazine-cover Christmas tree.

Nope, my favorite kind of Christmas tree is a hodge-podge of popsicle sticks and glitter and Hallmark ornaments.

Our little tree has no fewer than 11 Star Wars decorations, 2 "Baby's First Christmas 1983" ornaments and 1 Christmas pickle.

Plus, Tinkerbell is on top.

In other words, it is sort of perfect.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Today I loved...

... hearing "Dominic the Donkey" on the radio on the way to work.
... eating perfect scrambled eggs for dinner.
... seeing all of the Christmas displays at Target.
... watching Glee on the couch with Barney.

That cat is the best.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Make-Up Monday: Rosebud Salve in a Tube

I love the holiday season.

Love the tree and the cookies and the music and the stocking stuffers.

And this Rosebud Salve in a Tube would make a perfect stocking stuffer.  It is the loveliest shade of pink when you use it as a lip gloss, and it is super moisturizing.

Plus, it works like magic as a balm on mosquito bites and burns, and it smells like roses.

It is pretty much the handiest thing that you could wrap up in shiny wrapping paper.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Gifted Magazine

Gifted magazine is one of the best things to ever grace the internet.

It may not be better than the Hamster on a Piano, but it's pretty darn close.

If you need gift ideas or you want to make something crafty or you just want to look at a lot of pretty things, you should check it out.

(I mean you should check out Gifted Magazine for those things.  You should check out "Hamster on a Piano" if you want to see, well, a hamster... on a piano).

Monday, November 22, 2010

Make-Up Monday: Boscia Luminizing Black Mask

So, I bought this peel-off mask for a few reasons:

-My skin has been temperamental lately.

- The mask is very earthy crunchy.

- I thought it would be fun to peel off my face.

And, while it is sort of fun to peel off, it's not exactly a must-purchase.

(The directions say not to spread the mask near your eyebrows, your hairline or your upper lip.  I spread it on all three, because I'm a rebel like that).

First, it is really expensive, and you have to spread on a very thick layer in order to get it to come off easily.  Second, it does not all come off, and you have to rinse off the residue.

It does make my face a little more glowy-- it is almost like a giant Biore strip that pulls gunk out of your pores.

But, I'll tell you what, it doesn't make my face look 34 dollars worth of glowy.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Need a Little Christmas

I realize that it isn't Thanksgiving, yet, but I am already listening to the Glee Christmas album on repeat.

I am obsessed with the cover of "Baby, It's Cold Outside," which is one of my favorite holiday songs of all time.

(I picked this video, because I pink puffy heart Darren Criss).

It occurs to me that am declaring my love for a Christmas song that mentions cigarettes and alcohol, and is mostly about making out.

However, I thought about this, and while I don't smoke, I think a glass of riesling and some making out would really be a nice addition to most holidays.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Pound of Peanut Butter Cup!

So, I was meandering through Target after work today, and I saw something that might have to go on my Christmas list.

Two half-pound Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in holiday packaging.

I feel like this is the sort of thing that should horrify me.  Really, that is way too much peanut butter and chocolate.

But, I can't help hoping that Santa leaves a pound of peanut butter cup in my stocking.

Monday, November 15, 2010

(Hair and) Make-Up Monday: Herbal Essences Tousle Me Softly Hairspray

So, I am not so good at getting done those things that grown-ups are supposed to do.

We currently have no clean forks in our kitchen.

I am two months overdue for my yearly check-up.

And I haven't gotten my hair cut in an obscenely long time. 

But, this hairspray? It tames my wild, wavy, slightly frizzy mop of hair, and it smells like violets.

Also, it makes Mr. Kinne ask, "What smells so good?"

Friday, November 12, 2010


1. I always feel emotionally manipulated when Carrie Underwood songs make me cry.  (It's like she's trying to make me look all red-nosed and tear-y by the time I get to my classroom in the morning).

2. I felt really appreciated at work this week.  (I love when that happens).

3. I have a hot date with my pile of report cards this weekend.  (I'm thinking of inviting my "Gilmore Girls" DVDs along).

4. One of my students told me that if I kiss my husband, I can have "one or two babies."  (I wanted to tell her that it's actually way more difficult than she makes it sound).

(Speaking of babies, here is my nephew in super cute frog pajamas.)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Three Years

Three years ago today we said "I do."

And, now we are living happily ever after.

Or, you know, we are working and paying bills and making dinner and making each other laugh every single day.

I am lucky to have him.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Little Too "Golden Girls"?

I can't decide if this vest would be like a chic, cozy blanket... or like something an older woman might put on if it got a little chilly on the lanai.

I think I like it either way.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Make-Up Monday: Sephora by OPI's Merry Me!

How sparkly and fabulous is this nail polish?

It would be perfect for a holiday party.

It would also be perfect for a mini-marathon of Desperate Housewives on the couch on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

(Barney and I can vouch for that).

Friday, November 5, 2010

Let Them Eat Cake

Confession Time: My favorite kind of cake is Funfetti with Rainbow Chip frosting.

I just love all of those delicious artificial colors and flavors.

But, if you are looking for a cake that doesn't come from a box, I highly recommend Hershey's Perfectly Chocolate Cake.  (Or, as I call it, the recipe on the back of the cocoa powder).

It is delicious and difficult to mess up.

Those are the two things I look for in a cake.