Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Today I loved...

... hearing "Dominic the Donkey" on the radio on the way to work.
... eating perfect scrambled eggs for dinner.
... seeing all of the Christmas displays at Target.
... watching Glee on the couch with Barney.

That cat is the best.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Make-Up Monday: Rosebud Salve in a Tube

I love the holiday season.

Love the tree and the cookies and the music and the stocking stuffers.

And this Rosebud Salve in a Tube would make a perfect stocking stuffer.  It is the loveliest shade of pink when you use it as a lip gloss, and it is super moisturizing.

Plus, it works like magic as a balm on mosquito bites and burns, and it smells like roses.

It is pretty much the handiest thing that you could wrap up in shiny wrapping paper.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Gifted Magazine

Gifted magazine is one of the best things to ever grace the internet.

It may not be better than the Hamster on a Piano, but it's pretty darn close.

If you need gift ideas or you want to make something crafty or you just want to look at a lot of pretty things, you should check it out.

(I mean you should check out Gifted Magazine for those things.  You should check out "Hamster on a Piano" if you want to see, well, a hamster... on a piano).

Monday, November 22, 2010

Make-Up Monday: Boscia Luminizing Black Mask

So, I bought this peel-off mask for a few reasons:

-My skin has been temperamental lately.

- The mask is very earthy crunchy.

- I thought it would be fun to peel off my face.

And, while it is sort of fun to peel off, it's not exactly a must-purchase.

(The directions say not to spread the mask near your eyebrows, your hairline or your upper lip.  I spread it on all three, because I'm a rebel like that).

First, it is really expensive, and you have to spread on a very thick layer in order to get it to come off easily.  Second, it does not all come off, and you have to rinse off the residue.

It does make my face a little more glowy-- it is almost like a giant Biore strip that pulls gunk out of your pores.

But, I'll tell you what, it doesn't make my face look 34 dollars worth of glowy.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Need a Little Christmas

I realize that it isn't Thanksgiving, yet, but I am already listening to the Glee Christmas album on repeat.

I am obsessed with the cover of "Baby, It's Cold Outside," which is one of my favorite holiday songs of all time.

(I picked this video, because I pink puffy heart Darren Criss).

It occurs to me that am declaring my love for a Christmas song that mentions cigarettes and alcohol, and is mostly about making out.

However, I thought about this, and while I don't smoke, I think a glass of riesling and some making out would really be a nice addition to most holidays.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Pound of Peanut Butter Cup!

So, I was meandering through Target after work today, and I saw something that might have to go on my Christmas list.

Two half-pound Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in holiday packaging.

I feel like this is the sort of thing that should horrify me.  Really, that is way too much peanut butter and chocolate.

But, I can't help hoping that Santa leaves a pound of peanut butter cup in my stocking.

Monday, November 15, 2010

(Hair and) Make-Up Monday: Herbal Essences Tousle Me Softly Hairspray

So, I am not so good at getting done those things that grown-ups are supposed to do.

We currently have no clean forks in our kitchen.

I am two months overdue for my yearly check-up.

And I haven't gotten my hair cut in an obscenely long time. 

But, this hairspray? It tames my wild, wavy, slightly frizzy mop of hair, and it smells like violets.

Also, it makes Mr. Kinne ask, "What smells so good?"

Friday, November 12, 2010


1. I always feel emotionally manipulated when Carrie Underwood songs make me cry.  (It's like she's trying to make me look all red-nosed and tear-y by the time I get to my classroom in the morning).

2. I felt really appreciated at work this week.  (I love when that happens).

3. I have a hot date with my pile of report cards this weekend.  (I'm thinking of inviting my "Gilmore Girls" DVDs along).

4. One of my students told me that if I kiss my husband, I can have "one or two babies."  (I wanted to tell her that it's actually way more difficult than she makes it sound).

(Speaking of babies, here is my nephew in super cute frog pajamas.)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Three Years

Three years ago today we said "I do."

And, now we are living happily ever after.

Or, you know, we are working and paying bills and making dinner and making each other laugh every single day.

I am lucky to have him.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Little Too "Golden Girls"?

I can't decide if this vest would be like a chic, cozy blanket... or like something an older woman might put on if it got a little chilly on the lanai.

I think I like it either way.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Make-Up Monday: Sephora by OPI's Merry Me!

How sparkly and fabulous is this nail polish?

It would be perfect for a holiday party.

It would also be perfect for a mini-marathon of Desperate Housewives on the couch on a lazy Sunday afternoon.

(Barney and I can vouch for that).

Friday, November 5, 2010

Let Them Eat Cake

Confession Time: My favorite kind of cake is Funfetti with Rainbow Chip frosting.

I just love all of those delicious artificial colors and flavors.

But, if you are looking for a cake that doesn't come from a box, I highly recommend Hershey's Perfectly Chocolate Cake.  (Or, as I call it, the recipe on the back of the cocoa powder).

It is delicious and difficult to mess up.

Those are the two things I look for in a cake.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Birthday Week: A New Arrival

Speaking of birthdays, this little guy had his first one today.

This means that I am officially an aunt.

I am ridiculously excited about this.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Birthday Week: Forget-Me-Knot

Mr. Kinne slipped this little ring on my finger this afternoon.  

He remembered my mentioning it forever ago and made a point of picking one up for me.

I really like that guy.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Make-Up Monday: A Little Birthday Sparkle

You guys, my birthday is tomorrow!

Which means it is officially....

I think that, as we get older, we tend to let birthdays become a little less special.  We get wrapped up in work and bills and life.

Well, I refuse to let the fact that I am turning 27 pass by with just a little cake.  (Nothing against cake.  Seriously, bring on the cake).

Tomorrow, I am going to paint on my favorite red nail polish....

And I am going to put on a little sparkly lip gloss...

And, well, actually, I'm going to go to a day of professional development at school...

And, then, I'm going to vote...

But, I'm going to end the night with a giant chocolate milkshake at Red Robin.

Because, you know, I know how to party.