Sunday, February 28, 2010


My friend Andy has a band... called ANDYHASABAND.

And last night I stayed up way past my bedtime to see them play at their CD release party.

You should click on the link above and listen to the song "New Ground." It's my favorite.

You should also hear them play live, because they do a mean cover of "That Thing You Do."

Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Little Pride and Prejudice with Breakfast

One of my favorite Saturday morning activities is to plop myself on the couch with my laptop and a mug of green tea. I start with my favorite blogs and follow links to sites I've never read before.

And inevitably I end up wanting to buy some adorable thing I see on Etsy.

Today's adorable thing is this Mr. Darcy mug that I saw featured on this lovely blog.

Friday, February 26, 2010

An Equation

This Dress + Flip-Flops = My New Summer Uniform.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Success and Caprese Salad Sandwiches

My observation went well today!

I think it helped that I gave the kiddos in my class a pep talk. I told them about how the vice-principal was coming in to see how I was teaching and how they were learning.

They were all sitting up a little straighter than usual.

Mr. Kinne and I celebrated the fact that I didn't royally screw up by making the easiest weeknight dinner-- Caprese Salad Sandwiches.

(I shamelessly stole this idea from a friend who served these sandwiches when he had us over for dinner. Hi Chris!)

All you need are tomatoes, mozzarella, basil and bread. We made ours extra melt-y and delicious by using the Foreman Grill.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I am getting observed at school tomorrow, and I am a nervous wreck.

I am going to calm my nerves with some Pepperidge Farm Chesapeake cookies and Ugly Betty on DVD.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


When I was little, my mom would tell stories about things that happened long before I came along, and I would ask, "Was I there?"

Mom would laugh and say, "No, you weren't born, yet. You were just a twinkle in my eye."

Well, my future babies are not even a twinkle in my eye, yet...

But I still want to buy this whole DwellStudio nursery set from Target.

I am loving the shades of green.

And the polka dots.

And the hippos!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Make-Up Monday: Lancome Teint Idole Ultra

This foundation completes me, Jerry-Maguire style.

It has buildable coverage and is really fun to apply with a foundation brush.

(Using a foundation brush makes me feel like Salvador Dali... without the melting clocks and such).

I wish that Lancome did not charge an arm, a leg and my first-born child for the little bottle, but it does last a few months.

Also, it looks really natural in pictures. See?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Just Call Me Mrs. Fields

I got an invite to a junk-food themed party, and I decided I wanted to make a giant cookie just like the ones at the mall. Luckily, I stumbled onto Cookie Madness, a website that is chock full of yummy recipes.

I followed Anna's Giant Cookie recipe-- leaving out the M&M's-- and I was so impressed with what came out of the oven. (I have nothing against M&M's, but I don't love them in cookies).

The cookie was a hit at the party, but I left wanting to make the host's Amazing White Trash Puff Balls.

(Yes, that is what they were called... and they were amazing).

Parked Next to Me at Barnes & Noble

If he is book shopping, who is keeping an eye on Castle Grayskull?

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Jean Leggings: A Dilemma

I am a firm believer that leggings are not pants. And neither are tights.

These are two of my most closely held fashion beliefs.

And yet... jean leggings.

They are like skinny jeans, but you don't have to wiggle into them. (You just pull them on like sweatpants!)

Let's face it, they are essentially sweatpants with contrast stitching.

And I love them.

Friday, February 19, 2010

"My muffin top is all that, whole grain, low fat...."

I can't make muffins without thinking of this 30 Rock classic.

And I did make muffins this morning-- Kemp's "You-Won't-Believe-They're-Whole-Wheat" Blueberry Muffins from Gourmet.

I made some substitutions based on what I had on hand, like regular whole-wheat flour instead of whole-wheat pastry flour, and lemon juice instead of lemon zest. (Also, I poured in a whole bag of Trader Joe's Frozen Blueberries, because I figured, why not add some more antioxidants?)

They are delicious, and they really do stain your tongue purple, just like the recipe promises.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Immaculate Baking Company

I stumbled upon this refrigerated cookie dough in my local grocery store, and the clouds parted and angels began to sing...

Ok, not really. But they were on sale, so they made their way into my cart.

Oh my gosh, you guys. These are soooo good. Plus, they are all natural, so I can pretend they are health food.

After looking at the company's website, I love them even more. It seems like a bunch of good-hearted people making yummy food.

Now, I am tempted to order their blueberry scones....


Mr. Kinne and I did grown-up errands today, like getting our taxes done and (finally) getting a joint bank account.

I also chose a very grown-up design for my new debit card.

I am dying for it to come in the mail!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lands' End Canvas

So, apparently Lands' End is making adorable clothes now.

I know, I was surprised, too.

I am patiently waiting for this dress to go on sale, so I can buy it and twirl around in it. (It looks like it would twirl well, doesn't it?)

Liberty of London for Target

Just saw this on Sweetie Pie Pumpkin Noodle.

I am riculously excited about Liberty of London having a collection for Target. I watched the video, while announcing to Mr. Kinne, "I want everything!"

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Two Letters

Dear 2010,

You are pretty much kicking my butt right now. I am feeling overwhelmed, and it is only February.

How about you start shaping up?


Mrs. Kinne

Dear Ben and Jerry,

Thank you for helping me deal with 2010.

That guy is a jerk.

Yours always,

Mrs. Kinne

Monday, February 15, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

I hope that your day is filled with love and pancakes and roses, too.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Thank You's

This is a "Thank You" note I made for a kiddo in my class who got me flowers on Valentine's Day last year.

There were also Thank You's with me holding up Whitman's samplers and pretending to bite into giant chocolate hearts.

I still haven't decided what I want to do for my cards this year....

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Heart Cake

I saw this cake mentioned on Design Mom, and it is pretty flipping spectacular.

It would be the perfect Valentine's Day cake.

The thing is, I have trouble stacking two cake layers on top of one another, so this might be a little beyond my reach.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Legally Bronze

Sephora sent me an e-mail today, featuring value sets. I love sets like these, because they make me feel like I am getting things for free. And I love free!

The one that really stood out for me was Benefit's "Legally Bronze." It holds four Benefit products for $35.

It contains High Beam, which is a really pretty highlighter. (You just have to get over the applicator, which makes you feel like you are spreading nail polish on your cheekbones).

There is also Hoola, which is supposed to be a fairly matte bronzer, and I could use one of those. Plus, it has Gilded, a shimmery eye pencil, and Badgal Brown, a brown mascara.

Another bonus? The little tropical bag, which reminds me of warmer weather on a snowy day like today.

Flip flop and tank top weather.


Lazy Wednesday

We had a snow day today... although we haven't seen much snow, yet.

Having an unexpected day off meant I could catch up on cleaning and organizing our messy house. I had time for cooking and baking and laundry and doing our taxes.

Honestly, I mostly caught up on sleep and an episode of Big Love.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Blue Patent Shoes

I love, love, love the pair of heels I picked up at DSW.

They are a shiny robin's egg blue, and they make my gigantic feet look smaller.

They are pretty much miracle shoes.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Make-Up Monday: MAC Blot Powder

Sometimes my can't-live-without-them products become my maybe-there's-something-better-out there products.

A couple years ago, when I was a blushing bride, I swore my MAC blot powder fulfilled all my powder needs.

Then, I left my compact in a hotel room in the Adirondacks and I decided to try a cheaper drugstore alternative. After that, a Sephora opened in our local mall, and I began to experiment with pricier powders.

But, now I'm back in the loving arms of MAC Blot Powder. It makes my oilslick of a complexion look matte, without looking ghostly. It evens me out without looking like I'm wearing a mask.

MAC Blot Powder, I'm sorry we had to spend time apart for me to appreciate you.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Something a Little More Affordable

Well, I am back to more online browsing, after finally tackling my towering mountain of report cards.

And, while that beautiful Boden dress is a bit out of my price range, I did find this Bouquet Sash Belt on sale at J.Crew.

It might need to come live in my closet.

A Love Letter

Dear Boden,

I want to marry this dress and have adorable, little blue-and-green babies with it. Or, you know, I want to buy it and look effortlessly chic in it all summer long.

It is perfection in dress form.

Love and Hugs,

Mrs. Kinne

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Elmo Cupcakes and More About Mascara

I have been very busy with an important mission: creating Elmo cupcakes for my cousin's second birthday party.

I think they came out pretty flipping cute.

Also, I have decided I am a big fan of the L'oreal Telescopic Explosion Mascara(!). I have figured out that if I use the wand to coat a few lashes at a time, I end up with long, dramatic fringe.

I just have to be careful that I don't go from dramatic to drag queen, because there is a very thin line between the two.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Landmark Election

Today, we had an election in my classroom, and my first-graders elected a 7-year-old girl from Sri Lanka.

We're pretty progressive in Room Four.

An Important Mascara Report

Well, the jury is still out on the L'Oreal Telescopic Explosion Mascara(!). My lashes looked a little spidery this morning, but that may be because I cannot figure out how to hold the mascara wand.

I will keep you updated.

However, there is no doubt that I love my new, black rib-knit tights from Forever 21. It took me several fruitless trips to the gigantic Forever 21 at my local mall, before I found them. But now, my legs feel like they are wearing cozy, little sweaters.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Gratuitous Picture of My Cat

This is Barney.

He is pretty much the best.

Two Things

1. Today, a woman I work with said to me, "You look as tired as I am!"

This woman happens to be the mother of a newborn.

I took this as a sign that my nearly empty tube of Lancome Definicils wasn't making me look as bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as it once had.

So, a quick stop at Walgreens, and I am now the proud owner of this medieval torture device.

Also known as L'Oreal Telescopic Explosion Mascara! (The exclamation point is not part of the name-- it just seemed fitting).

I will keep you posted on the state of my eyelashes.

2. The brownies that I mentioned from Smitten Kitchen? They look like the picture below... until people start coming back for seconds.

Then, they look like an empty pan.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Carbs, Sweet Carbs

I am feeling blah this week, and all I want to do is snuggle on the couch and eat everything in sight.

I have managed to pull myself off the couch, but I might need a big loaf of white bread to improve my mood.

In unrelated news, I may not have the healthiest relationship with food.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Make-Up Monday: I'm Really Not a Waitress

My current favorite beauty product is OPI's cult classic, "I'm Really Not a Waitress."

I admire my shiny red nails several times a day.